Comprehensive Eye Examination

Routine eye exams help you keep your eyes healthy and your vision crisp.  During this examination, you will be checked for glasses (refraction) and screened for eye disorders and diseases.  Your pupils will be dilated so that the doctor can examine the lens of your eye and your retina.  Dilation interferes with the ability to see objects up close, increases light sensitivity, and can also cause a decrease in distance vision which may last for up to six hours in adults (and 24 hours in children.)  It is suggested that you make arrangements for a driver and schedule your day’s activities with this in mind.

If you have vision changes that occur between routine examinations, schedule an appointment as soon as possible.  Early detection of eye problems can prevent permanent vision loss.


Contact Lens Fitting

We offer the largest selection of soft contact lens brands and styles in Central Maine.  We carry disposable lenses in daily, two week, and monthly modalities.  We offer extended wear disposable lenses for those who want the option of overnight lens wear.  Quarterly replacement and yearly replacement lenses are also available.  We specialize in fitting toric lenses for patients with astigmatism (irregular corneal curvature).  For patients over forty who need help with reading and computer monitor viewing, monovision, modified monovision and multi-focal contact lenses are offered.  We also offer multi-focal contacts for patients with astigmatism.  Contact lenses that enhance or dramatically change the color of your eyes are available for most patients, even those who do not otherwise need prescription lenses to see well.  We also fit gas permeable (RGP) lenses and specialty lenses for patients with corneal irregularity due to eye injuries or disease.

It is our policy to require a yearly contact lens examination to assess the appropriate fit and function of contact lenses.  Contact lenses can only be dispensed with a current prescription.  Most major contact lens brands are in stock for immediate dispensing.  We will gladly ship lenses to your home.


Low Vision Examination

Loss of vision can make reading, driving, and watching television difficult or impossible.  This examination explores how vision loss affects a patient’s daily life and is tailored to address the areas of particular difficulty.  This type of examination usually takes about an hour for an initial visit.  Many different types of visual aides are available to address specific problems.  Hand held and stationary (stand) magnifiers, lighted and unlighted, are available for demonstration as are special magnifying glasses.  Telescopes, closed-circuit TVs and electronic devices may also be explored.

Call to schedule your appointment with Dr. Arnio, our low vision specialist.